List of artists in the Armory Show

The 1913 Armory Show contained approximately 1300 works by 300 artists. Many of the original works have been lost and some of the artists have been forgotten. The List of artists in the Armory Show while not complete includes nearly all of the artists from the United States and from Europe who were exhibited in the Armory Show of 1913. The list is largely drawn from the catalog of the 1963 exhibition 1913 Armory Show 50th Anniversary Exhibition organized by the Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute. Many exhibitions have been held in the vast spaces of U.S. National Guard armories, but the Armory Show refers to the International Exhibition of Modern Art that was organized by the Association of American Painters and Sculptors and opened in New York City's 69th Regiment Armory, on Lexington Avenue between 25th and 26th Streets, on February 17, 1913, ran to March 15, and became a legendary watershed date in the history of American art, introducing astonished New Yorkers, accustomed to realistic art, to modern art. The show served as a catalyst for American artists, who became more independent and created their own "artistic language".

The Artists

These artists are all listed in the 50th anniversary catalog as having exhibited in the original 1913 Armory show.[1]

Robert Ingersoll Aitken, Alexander Archipenko, George Grey Barnard, Chester Beach, Gifford Beal, Maurice Becker, George Bellows, Joseph Bernard, Guy Pène du Bois, Oscar Bluemner, Pierre Bonnard, Gutzon Borglum, Antoine Bourdelle, Constantin Brâncuşi, Georges Braque, Patrick Henry Bruce, Paul Burlin, Theodore Earl Butler, Charles Camoin, Arthur Carles, Mary Cassatt, Oscar Cesare, Paul Cézanne, Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, Camille Corot, Gustave Courbet, Henri-Edmond Cross, Leon Dabo, Andrew Dasburg, Honoré Daumier, Jo Davidson, Arthur B. Davies, Stuart Davis, Edgar Degas, Eugène Delacroix, Robert Delaunay, Maurice Denis, André Derain, Marcel Duchamp, Raoul Dufy, Jacob Epstein, Roger de La Fresnaye, Othon Friesz, Paul Gauguin, William Glackens, Albert Gleizes, Vincent van Gogh, Francisco Goya, Marsden Hartley, Childe Hassam, Robert Henri, Edward Hopper, Ferdinand Hodler, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, James Dickson Innes, Augustus John, Wassily Kandinsky, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Leon Kroll, Walt Kuhn, Gaston Lachaise, Marie Laurencin, Ernest Lawson, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Fernand Léger, Jonas Lie, George Luks, Aristide Maillol, Édouard Manet, Henri Manguin, John Marin, Albert Marquet, Henri Matisse, Alfred Henry Maurer, Kenneth Hayes Miller, Claude Monet, Adolphe Monticelli, Edward Munch, Elie Nadelman, Walter Pach, Jules Pascin, Francis Picabia, Pablo Picasso, Camille Pissarro, Maurice Prendergast, Odilon Redon, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Boardman Robinson, Theodore Robinson, Auguste Rodin, Georges Rouault, Henri Rousseau, Morgan Russell, Albert Pinkham Ryder, André Dunoyer de Segonzac, Georges Seurat, Charles Sheeler, Walter Sickert, Paul Signac, Alfred Sisley, John Sloan, Amadeo de Souza Cardoso, Joseph Stella, John Henry Twachtman, Félix Vallotton, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Jacques Villon, Maurice de Vlaminck, Édouard Vuillard, Abraham Walkowitz, J. Alden Weir, James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Jack B. Yeats, Marguerite Zorach, William Zorach,[2]

More artists

These artists are also all listed in the 50th anniversary catalog and in The Story of the Armory Show [3] as having exhibited in the original 1913 Armory show.[4]

Albert Abendschein, John H. Alger, Karl Anderson (artist), Edmund Marion Ashe, Florence Howell Barkley, Von Bechtejeff, Marion H. Beckett, Nelson N. Bickford, Olaf Bjorkman, Alexander Blanchet, Hans Bolz, Homer Boss, Bessie Marsh Brewer, D. Putnam Brinley, Bolton Brown, Fannie Miller Brown, Edith Woodman Burroughs, Auguste Elisée Chabaud, O. N. Chaffee, Robert Winthrop Chanler, Emilie Charmly, Amos Chew, Alfred Vance Churchill, Gustave Cimiotti, Jr., Edwin L. Clymer, Harry W. Coate, Nessa Cohen, Glenn O. Coleman, Howard Coluzzi, Charles Conder, Kate T. Cory, Arthur Crisp, Herbert Crowley, J. Frank Currier, Carl Gordon Cutler, Randall Davey, Charles Harold Davis, Edith Dimock (Mrs. William Glackens), Rudolph Dirks, Nathaniel Dolinsky, G. Ruger Donoho, Henri Lucien Doucet, Katherine S. Dreier, Aileen King Dresser, Lawrence Tyler Dresser, Florence Dreyfous, Guy Péne Du Bois, Richard H. Duffy, Georges Léon Dufrénoy, Abastenia St. Leger Eberle, Henry B. Eddy, Amos W. Engle, Florence Esté, Lily Everett, Jules Flandrin, Mary A. Hallock Foote, James Earle Fraser, Kenneth Frazier, Ernest Arthur Freund, Sherry E. Fry, Ernest Fuhr, Samuel Wood Gaylor, Phelan Gibb, Wilhelm Gimmi, Pierre Girieud, Henry I. Glintenkamp, Anne Goldthwaite, Charles Guérin, Bernard Gussow, Bernhard Gutmann, Philip L. Hale, Samuel Halpert, Charles R. Harley, Edith Haworth, Walter Helbig, Julius Hess, Eugene Higgins, Margaret Hoard, Nathaniel Hone, Charles Hopkinson, Cecil De B. Howard, Albert Humphreys, Thomas Hunt (artist), Margaret Wendell Huntington, F. M. Jansen, Gwen John, Grace M. Johnson, Julius Paul Junghanns, Bernard Karfiol, Henry G. Keller, Edith L. King, Alfred Kirstein, Adolph Kleiminger, Hermine Klinery, Edward Adam Kramer, Pierre Laprade, Arthur Lee (artist), Derwent Lee, Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Rudolph Levy, Amy Londoner, A. F. Lundberg, Dodge MacKnight, Elmer Livingston MacRae, Gus Mager, E. Middleton Manigault, Manuel Martinez Hugué, Matthew Maris, Jacqueline Marval, Carolyn C. Mase, Max Mayrshofer, Francis McCowas, Kathleen Mcenery, Howard McLean, Charlotte Meltzer, Oscar Miestchanioff, David Brown Milne, J. Mowbray-Clarke, Henri Muhrmann, Hermann Dudley Murphy, Myra Musselmann-Carr, Ethel Myers, Jerome Myers, Frank Arthur Nankivell, Helen J. Niles, Olga Oppenheim, Marjorie Organ (Mrs. Robert Henri), Josephine Paddock, Agnes Lawrence Pelton, Charles H. Pepper, Van Dearing Perrine, H. S. Phillips, Pietro (artist), Walter K. Pleuthner, Louise Pope (artist), Louis Potter, T. E. Powers, James Preston (artist), May Wilson Preston, James Pryde, Arthur Putnam, Bertrand Rasmussen, H. Reuterdahl, Katharine N. Rhoades, Dr. William Rimmer, Mary C. Rogers, Paul Rohland, Jules E. Roiné, Edward F. Rook, Der-Xavier Roussel, Charles Cary Rumsey, George W. Russell, Victor D. Salvatore, Morton L. Schamberg, William E. Schumacher, Charles Serret, Julius Seyler, Charles Shannon, Sidney Dale Shaw, Max Slevogt, Carl Sprinchorn, Wilson Steer, Frances Simpson Steven, Morgan Stinemetz, Nicolai A. Tarchov, Henry Fitch Taylor, William L. Taylor (artist), Felix E. Tobeen, Gaston Toussaint, Allen Tucker, Alden Twachtman, Bessie Potter Vonnoh, F. M. Walts, Hilda Ward, Alexander L. Warshawsky, F. William Weber, E. Ambrose Webster, F. A. Weinzheimer, Albert Weisgerber, Julius Wentscher, Jr., Charles Henry White, Claggett Wilson, Denys Wortman Jr., Enid Yandell, Arthur Young, Mahonri Young, Eugene Zak


  1. ^ 1913 Armory Show 50th Anniversary Exhibition 1963 copyright and organized by Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute, copyright and sponsored by the Henry Street Settlement, New York City, Library of Congress card number 63-13993
  2. ^ 1913 Armory Show 50th Anniversary Exhibition 1963 copyright and organized by Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute, copyright and sponsored by the Henry Street Settlement, New York City, Library of Congress card number 63-13993
  3. ^ Brown, Milton W., The Story of the Armory Show Joseph H Hirshhorn Foundation, NY 1963
  4. ^ 1913 Armory Show 50th Anniversary Exhibition 1963 copyright and organized by Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute, copyright and sponsored by the Henry Street Settlement, New York City, Library of Congress card number 63-13993